& FAQs

Will Higher Hope provide and connect individuals with the needed resources for their case?
Unfortunately, no. Higher Hope exists to provide victims the financial assistance necessary to seek justice and heal from the aftermath of traumatic violent crimes. We ask that victims already have a plan for where to allocate the funds. Examples can be: Acquiring an expense quote from your selected private investigator, submitting an invoice from your family member’s funeral service, submitting medical bills that need paid from the aftermath of a crime, etc.

Can I re-apply if my grant application was denied?
Unfortunately, we cannot accept multiple applications for the same grant request. We’ve outlined our requirements & guidelines above each grant but sometimes even if an applicant meets the qualifications, the request details may not fit within the criteria we can accept at that time.

What documents do I need to have when I apply for the 'Hope' grant?
Documents providing proof of qualifying crime as well as financial hardship are mandatory for all 'Hope' grant applications. Applications that fail to provide this proof may not be eligible for consideration. Proof of financial hardship includes, but is not limited to: paid invoices for reimbursement, upcoming invoices for unpaid services, quotes from vendors or selected professionals. Proof of qualifying crime includes, but is not limited to: police reports, death certificates, news articles.

As a non-profit, do I have to already have a project proposal and budget breakdown to apply?
Yes. We require all nonprofits applying for our ‘Empower’ grant to submit a project proposal and budget breakdown to be considered for funding so we can be sure our funding fits the project needs.